
Showing posts from December, 2022

The Scramble for Space

With the world's human population fast approaching 8 billion people, does it occur to you there's ever going to be a time in the future when the world would be crowded with no more land left for human habitation? Definitely not soon. I mean every year at least 60 million babies are born and less than that number die (though 2022 is an exception because of COVID-19).  Maybe such a day will eventually come, perhaps that's one of the major factors prompting a scientific foray into space; to find another habitation for man.  In recent times, world rivals like China, the US, Russia, etc have gone on an expeditious journey to space more often than before in a bid to find a new foothold; call it home if you wish, and claim it first before anyone else does. This sounds more like a conspiratorial statement but it isn't.  This journey, it seems would never end, unless Jesus returns. Well, this is me just thinking out loud.

Why the Jews Are So Wealthy

Earlier this week, I read about the Jewish people and drew so much inspiration from their success stories; how they have continued to hold the most wealth in America and Europe, despite their ugly past and being a minority.  To say that the Jewish people are fabulously wealthy is the most modest of words I can use. But what's their secret?  Seven keys have been identified by many writers to have led to Jewish success. And the most outstanding of these is EDUCATION.  The average Jew believes that real wealth is knowledge; what you know. And so they pursue it vigorously in the best of colleges with the full support of family members. As of 2009, 40% of the top 40 of the Forbes 400 richest Americans were Jewish. Also, one-third of American multimillionaires are tallied as Jewish. Plus, 30% of American Nobel Prize winners in Science, and 25% of all American Nobel Prize winners are Jewish.  Can you see that? No wonder the Jewish people are often referred to as the American nightmare, an