Why the Jews Are So Wealthy

Earlier this week, I read about the Jewish people and drew so much inspiration from their success stories; how they have continued to hold the most wealth in America and Europe, despite their ugly past and being a minority. 

To say that the Jewish people are fabulously wealthy is the most modest of words I can use. But what's their secret? 

Seven keys have been identified by many writers to have led to Jewish success. And the most outstanding of these is EDUCATION. 

The average Jew believes that real wealth is knowledge; what you know. And so they pursue it vigorously in the best of colleges with the full support of family members.

As of 2009, 40% of the top 40 of the Forbes 400 richest Americans were Jewish. Also, one-third of American multimillionaires are tallied as Jewish. Plus, 30% of American Nobel Prize winners in Science, and 25% of all American Nobel Prize winners are Jewish. 

Can you see that?

No wonder the Jewish people are often referred to as the American nightmare, and hated so much by critics.

In his research for Ethnic America, Dr. Sowell reveals that part of the reason why the Jews excel so well, and perhaps earn higher incomes is that they have not only more education but also better education from higher quality colleges and in more demanding and remunerative fields. 

In the course of parenting, one bad mistake parents oftentimes make is to send their child to a nursery or secondary school that is below his or her abilities. Since part of education comes from the lessons learnt from fellow students, seeking high-standard schools is key. 

The Talmud says, "As one piece of iron sharpens another, so do two students sharpen each other [when they study together]." The child's social environment is also determined by classmates who become lifelong friends, business associates, and, on some occasions, spouses. 

The quality of the teachers who teach in a particular school will also be commensurate with the quality of students churned out of it. 

What sort of school is your child enrolled at? Can they give him/her the quality of education that you desire?

Think about this.


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