Are You Vulnerable? Come out of it!

Praise be to God, the beneficent, the merciful for another day.

This post was unplanned as of this morning but the urge keeps mounting that I write it anyways. Maybe someone somewhere needs it.

Have you ever been a victim of an action you didn't commit? If yes, that's because you were vulnerable and couldn't help yourself. Yeah, sometimes things we don't contribute to can have profound negative implications on us. In other words, we can suffer the consequences of the action of another person by merely being vulnerable, isn't it?

For instance, Africa is the most vulnerable continent to climate change impacts under all climate scenarios. Despite having contributed the least to global warming and having the lowest emissions, Africa faces exponential collateral damage, posing systemic risks to its economic development, infrastructure investments, water and food systems, public health, agriculture, and livelihoods, threatening to undo its modest development gains and slip into higher levels of extreme poverty.

I may not fully describe your plight but as a person is there anything you're vulnerable to and wish to come out of? Consciously build your defence system. That's the only way to go about it. With your wall built around you, nothing can take you by surprise. Before things could happen you already knew what the end would be.

To start, you've got to be tired of your present situation and take action against it. If you feel uncomfortable about something and simply shy away from addressing it, it could also mean that you are complacent about it as you're vulnerable.

If you really mean it, you should go all-out against it. Remember, there would be no defence against your inaction. Leaving things that way can coast you to a life of mediocrity - where you simply accepts whatever comes without yearning for something better. Take action today. Take action now. 

I hope this helps. Thanks for reading.


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