God is Universal

Which religion do you identify with? 

Do you make noise about it? Do you often pride your religion over others, to the point where you even crucify or act violently on persons who don't belong or share the same faith as you?

If you do any of the above, you are wrong. And you may not be far from a religious fanatic.

Religion is a mere construct of man to understand God. It is a system of beliefs. Throughout history, it has given people hope in times of doubt, fear, and grief. It has also helped explained the origins of life and the vastness of the cosmos.  

But then, it has also been the source of conflict, intolerance, and even war.  Many religious people feel there is only one true God. And that must be their God. 

They say all others are in error and need to be enlightened to the truth. If they don’t see the light, then maybe the rack or the threat of the sword would help. This is why they fight.

In some respects, religion may be one of the greatest (and one of the most troublesome) phenomena ever.

Don't get me wrong. God exists. God is much bigger than any religion.  God is not a Christian nor Muslim, Hindu, etc. God cannot be contained by what we do, nor can he be forfeited by what we do not do. Like Desmond Tutu, a revered South African cleric and Noble Laureate said in his book; God is not a Christian. 

The existence of God overwhelms whatever institution we try to build to understand the sacred.

God is God. God is universal. God is no man's construct. 

Strive to be moral and live reasonably instead, and stop being a religious fanatic.

Did I shock you? Maybe you need to also think it my way.

May God bless us.


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