The Scramble for Space

With the world's human population fast approaching 8 billion people, does it occur to you there's ever going to be a time in the future when the world would be crowded with no more land left for human habitation? Definitely not soon.

I mean every year at least 60 million babies are born and less than that number die (though 2022 is an exception because of COVID-19). 

Maybe such a day will eventually come, perhaps that's one of the major factors prompting a scientific foray into space; to find another habitation for man. 

In recent times, world rivals like China, the US, Russia, etc have gone on an expeditious journey to space more often than before in a bid to find a new foothold; call it home if you wish, and claim it first before anyone else does. This sounds more like a conspiratorial statement but it isn't. 

This journey, it seems would never end, unless Jesus returns.

Well, this is me just thinking out loud.


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