Read Books While You Can Still See

A pile of environmental books at a private library. IngimarE. 2023. Wikimedia

Learning is a continuum. It continues until the day one dies. The more one learns the more experience one has. That's why I think we should keep reading maybe until our eyes grow dim, but don't let the bright screen blind your sight. That's if you're fond of reading from your phone or other gadgets. 

Although the Internet and the ensuing digital age and screen technology have made reading and research faster and easier than one could’ve imagined 25 years ago, there are still some things you don’t find on the internet today. A lot of important historical information isn't on the Internet and if there were, you find it obscure thanks to Wikipedia for working to correct this. 

Such information would have to be researched the old-fashioned way. In print.

That's why it's important for the younger generation to make conscious efforts to grab every available opportunity to utilise and appreciate the vast wealth of knowledge embedded in hardcopy books and the few ancient documents or texts that they enjoy the honour of having.

Personally, it has become a policy to buy at least 12 books and acquire as many classical or old but important books each year as I can afford. Books on my shelf cut across all genres of human life, from science to art and business.

To say I have read them all wouldn't be wrong but to say I've completely understood them all will be a stark display of foolishness. Only fools claim they know it all. I've had to read some of these books a couple of times to really appreciate them.  In each turn of reading, I always would find as many fresh insights as I would questions but the essence, no less, has always been achieved - to know more about the world we live in, know why certain things are the way they are, know if they are aliens anywhere, understand human society, and of course, be a better, well-informed human for a world which changes fast. 

And most importantly, while undertaking this solitary adventure, I ensure to guard my most cherished convictions jealously. This enables me to undertake a cautionary journey into otherworldly subject of interest and still come out wiser yet unscathed without compromising my deeply ingrained beliefs.

I think you should read widely as well. Explore unfamiliar areas. No knowledge is lost. You can only get wiser, after all. 

And if you are already an avid reader, continue. Don't relent. Keep it going but be sensitive enough to always draw the line where the page begins to smell foul. Or even dare to go overboard if you're sure there'll be no conflict of any sort.

Keep it cool my pen friend.

~ Victor Bassey


Daniel said…
Nice one.... true

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